Baby sisters
I will sar my Babsisder Beekas sidrs rr fan!
The world through the eyes of a pre-schooler.
Geting all smiyalys [smileys] on my sheet I love geting all smilys on my pees of paper. Because then I get a stickr on my smiyaly sheet. I evin like my mom
dot cleen up my room beecus it is not fun and I owas haf to cleen it up and I dot like it not one litol bit and cleenen is not fun
Whnt wrily whrily miss her to paris
I am dreaming about my cat and my mom and my dog and me we are haven a piknik
Tessa is coming to the end of first grade. She can now read and she's passionate about writing. She is able to express in words (though she writes in her own hybrid of phonics & English I call Englonics) what she does not say verbally. Seldom do you see her without pen and paper.