
The world through the eyes of a pre-schooler.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Elf Tessa

Tessa's song and dance routine to Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Free Wheelin'

More like wheelin' free. The girls got a new set of...um...wheels.

Mamma called Evenflo but they can't ship the missing parts until after the holiday.

The stroller is in the livingroom. Tessa's uses the stadium seating feature to watch tv. The reclining seat, cup holder and drop-down food tray make it the perfect LazyBaby chair.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Mamma walks into daycare to pick Tessa up at the end of the day. Tessa, standing in the middle of the room, pulls her pants down to her ankles and jumps up and down screaming, "Look momma! My new Dora underwear. It's dry! I didn't pee in dem!"

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I Love You Mamma

Monday, December 25, 2006

Happy Birthday Jesus

Durring Tessa's bedtime prayer she spontaneously breaks out in song.

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear ba-by Je-sus
Happy birthday to you


With much build-up and mock anticipation, mamma pulls an orange out of Tessa's Christmas stocking. Tessa is jumping up and down with anticipation. As the orange appears Tessa puts her hands on her cheeks and screams, "OPEN IT!!!" So we "opened" the orange and ate it.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

The Santa clause

"Tessa if you're not good Santa won't bring you any gifts."

"Mom-mee Santa's NOT REAL. He's just pretend. Du-uh."

Christmas Eve Service

Tessa's baby sister is the Baby Jesus during the Christmas Eve service. Tessa spots her baby sister on stage and immediately leaps up to run to her. Momma grabs Tessa by the arm but Tessa won't be stopped. She resists momma's pull as she screams, "GIVE MY SISTER BACK!"

Every momentary lull during the service Tessa can be heard to say, "When are they bringing my baby sister back?"

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Sticky Bunch

Tessa climbs up on the kitchen counter and grabs a banana.

"You didn't ask for that. Now put it back."

"Can I have a banana?"

"No. Put it back."

The next morning momma goes to grab a banana for breakfast and finds the banana carefully taped back onto the bunch.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Killer Sushi

We take grandma to a sushi restaurant for her birthday. Tessa reaches across and sticks her index finger in the wasabi. "Ewe! Poop!*"

"That's not poop. Try it."

Tessa stares at her finger and then carfully sniffs the green stuff, "No. It's poop!"

"No it's not. Go ahead and try it."

Grandma and I exchange knowing grins. Tessa carefully licks a little wasabi. A few seconds later she screams, "It's POISON!" as she tries to spit it onto her plate.

* Tessa's newborn sister poops wasabi looking stuff.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Let's See Santa Fill THAT Order

Santa came to Tessa's daycare yesterday.

"Tessa. Did you sit on Santa's lap?"

Tessa shakes her head yes.

"What did you ask for?"

"Aaaa merrrmaid and a daddy."

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Bad Hair Day

Mom is standing in front of the bathroom mirror doing her hair when Tessa strolls in singing into her Barney microphone.

"It's gonna be a fun fun funny day
fun fun funny
i don't like your hair like that
fun fun funny da-ay'

PS. The real lyrics are sun sun sunny.

Monday, December 11, 2006

BFF...the saga

"Mommy you're NOT my best friend any more!"

"That's OK with me."

Tessa pauses a moment, "Because your my mommy not my best friend?"

Mamma smiles. Maybe, just maybe she's getting it after all.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Mary....before Jesus

Tessa is looking at the nativity on the fireplace. Suddenly she runs to me holding out two figurines in her hand and excitedly exclaims...

"Look mamma! It's Mary had a little lamb!"

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Tessa: Center of the Universe

"Did you know that grandma is MY mommy?"


"She's YOUR grandma and MY mommy."

"Stop saying dat! YOU'RE my mommy! Grandma is grandma!"

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Dr Killljoy

Tessa got her flu shot today. As the nurse approached, needle in hand, Tessa called out nervously,
"You're not going to KILL me are you?"

BFF, or not

In the car to the doctor's office:
"Momma. I'm sorry I called you you're not my best friend any more. I promise not to call you you're not my best friend any more."

In the car home from the doctor's office:
"Momma. You're not my best friend any more!"

PS. Tessa was so naughty at the doctor's office that the DOCTOR put her on a time out.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Toy Story

"Tessa pick up your toys and put them in the toy box."

"OK, but it won't be funny."


"Tessa, do what I told you to do!"

"FINE! But you're not my best friend any more!"
Tessa storms out of the room, "GRAND-MA is my best friend, not YOU!"

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Signs Mommy Works From Home

"Momeee...TALK to me.
Can we have a meeting?"

Tessas' play phone rings.
"Momee...you be quiet.
I have to talk on the phone!"

Saturday, December 02, 2006


"Tessa, why is there a cup on the bathroom floor?"

"I pee-ed in it!"

Friday, December 01, 2006

Time Out

Tessa comes off of time out.

"Do you know what you did wrong?"

"I was like you?"