Mamma is getting food from the buffet at a local Chinese restaurant. From across the restaurant Tessa can heard screaming over and over, "I FARTED! HEY TIMMY! I FARTED!"
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Saturday, February 17, 2007
A Face Only A Mother Could Love

Mamma and Tessa are sitting at the kitchen table eating grapes.
"Look mama, a face. Two eyes and two noses."
"Two noses?"
Pointing to her nostrils she counts, "one..two."
Saturday, February 10, 2007
The Blame Game
Mama pulls a pile of pillow stuffing out from behind the oversized chair.
"Tessa. Did you do this?"
"No. Vanessa did."
Note: Vanessa is three months old....she just discovered she has HANDS though she's not sure what to do with them yet.
Friday, February 09, 2007
3:30 AM
"I'm thirsty."
3:45 AM
Tessa crawls into bed with a full glass of water she got for herself.
Mama kicks her out and sends her to her own bed.
4:00 AM
Tessa crawls into bed with mama.
4:01 AM
Tessa pukes water and French fries all over mama, mama's bed, mama's bedroom floor, mama's bathroom floor, mama's bathroom walls...